
Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Way back when my first grandkids were little I started taking them "Bummin". The word "Bummin" comes from the fifties era and means going to do something fun together. So, when I ask my grandkids if they want to go Bummin, they are eager to go.

When I first started bummin with Jordan, Jaymen, Logan and Jade we could go get something at the store for a dollar. Now days, that price is up to $5 or $10, which just goes to show you how things have changed. When I was a kid we could get something really cool for 10 cents! But, regardless of price, this is one tradition I am trying to keep up, because these experiences with my angels are priceless!

I can remember when my kids were little and their grandma Dora gave them $5 in their birthday card. By the time my kids came along she had many grandkids and that was alot for her to give each grandchild. Mom came up with a different plan and then only gave them $5 in their birthday card until they outgrew her. Once they could look her in the eyes standing flat footed, she then gave them a dollar in their birthday card. My mom was a towering 4'10". Most of the grandkids outgrew her by the time they were in fourth grade, but it was a great occasion for all of them and I don't think there was one of them that minded getting just one dollar from then on.

When the time comes that I have too many grandkids to afford bummin, maybe I'll make them take me bummin and they can all chip in to get their old old grandma something fun!


Joban, Britain, Gaby, Ryan, Micah, Joah, EJ
The Bummin' Cousins
All Smiles
Checking Out
EJ making sure Joah gets latched in.
There! I got it - let's go Grandma!

How can any one person be any more blessed than I am?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Today is my birthday
I am sixty years old
The real blessings in my life
began forty one years ago
on September 10, 1969.

I was 18 and only 19 days
away from 19 years of age.
I wandered in the shadow
of my life
questioning what
I should be.

I had been blessed with a loving family.
I had been blessed with good health.
I had been blessed with talents.
I had been blessed with good friends.
I had been blessed with intellect.
I had been blessed with love.
But, I wasn't really happy.

Then, on September 10th, 1969
the biggest blessing
in my life came
to me
and I changed
inside my heart.
I knew who I was and why I lived.
I stepped out of the shadows and
into the light
of an angel.

Her name was mine to choose {and spell ;-)}
She was so tiny, only six and a half pounds.
She was perfect in every way.
She was mine only.
She is my only daughter.

MaLeisa Maurine Angel

I felt her angel presense and thus
she became my very first angel and
I started on the road
walking toward the light of

She and I spent many nights together
just the two of us
she liked being up at night
and then sleeping in the day.

Her Grandpa Veater
took her in his arms
and said,
"This is my little girl!"
Then he took her to every neighbor's
house to show her off.

She was never far from
her Grandpa's arms.
This is my little angel with
her Grandma Dora and
Grandpa Clark at the
Grand Canyon.

Or her Grandma's arms either.

She made me so very happy
and I couldn't believe how
much I loved her!
It was indescribable!

When she started school she was barely five
I remember having four dresses made
just for her.
She looked like a little angel with her
pretty blond curls, heavenly  blue eyes, and her sweet smile.
I cried after I dropped her off at Lehi Elementary.

Time sped by so fast and my little angel
grew in beauty and grace.
She was kind
She was loving
She was funny
She was still just mine.
Her eyes so blue, her smile so sweet
and her hair just a little darker.
My daughter, my girl.
I didn't know I could love her more,
but I did.

Zip - Zap
High school at Mesa High
came way too soon
and my girl is
a gymnast and a cheerleader.

She is organized
She is athletic
She is oh so smart
She is more beautiful than ever.
When she graduated from High School,
what did she do?
She joined the US Navy
and served with honor and integrity.

All too soon, there came four more little angels
Each sweet and special in their own way.

Jordan Ann Angel

Logan Laine Angel

Britain Alexandra Angel

Ryan Elisabeth Angel
                My little angel is all grown up
and has little angels of her own!

This is my daughter with the love of her life.
(and he is awesome)
I can share my angel with him because I know he loves her, just as I do.
To see my beautiful angel happy, loved and loving
the greatest blessing of my life!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


This is a picture of me,
my brother and sisters, and their spouses.
This group of people helped make me who I am today.

Front row kneeling and from the left:
Arva Lee  (Sister)
Lew  (Arva's husband)
Maurine  (Sister)
Rear row standing and from the left:
Me (Annie)
Jim (Brother)
Rachel (Jim's wife)
Bonnie (my oldest brother Vallon's wife)
Sid (Terre's husband)
Terre (Sister)

My brother Vallon died in 1982 - I really miss him.
My brother Devon died in 1933 at one month old. I can't wait to meet him.
My sister Connie died in 1934 when she was born. I think about her alot.

My Dad died in 1982 and my Mom in 1990.

I have so many happy memories of the time we all spent together. I am waiting to have us all gathered together again.

Our lives together have been far from perfect and we have argued with each other. BUT one thing that I have always known is that no matter what happens we will always love each other and we will always be there for each other - no matter what!

I am so blessed to have the knowledge that

Thursday, June 17, 2010


This is why I live in Southern Utah.
I was born here and
when it gets in your blood,
you just can't get it out.

All of this is within 90 miles of my house.

The Grand Canyon

No picture can begin to do it justice.

Lake Powell

The Paria

Zion Canyon

Bryce Canyon

Capitol Reef

Coral Pink Sand Dunes

Cedar Breaks

Cedar Mountain
Brian Head Ski Resort

Navajo and Panguitch Lakes


Panguitch Lake

The Grand Staircase Escalante

Pipe Springs



You couldn't see it all if you lived a million years.