
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jaymen Green

Remember #9 who played football for Mesa High School?

Well, he is now #3 and plays basketball for Mesa High School.

Go to this web site and look for #3 Mr. Jaymen Green.

He gives his all.

Not only to sports, but to his family, his friends and his God.

How I love this son of my son.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

My Three Kids

I am going to be brave and write about my three kids. They really aren't "kids" anymore as they are all grown up and married with kids of their own. Never the less, they are MY kids, and I am so proud of them. They each have accomplished a great deal in their lives. I have learned so much from them and continue to learn day after day how truly blessed I am that they are mine. Each of my children have their own unique personality. They each have their own unique look. They each have their own ideas on just about everything. But, one thing I can say about them is this:

They are loyal to the bone.
They would fight to the death for their families.
They are true American citizens and never take that blessing for granted.
They are intelligent, thinking, and productive people.
They live lives that show their belief in the God who sent them here,
to be my kids.

My beautiful daughter MaLeisa

My handsome son Benjamin

My handsome son Clark

The three people in my life that make my life fantastic!
I am so very blessed to be their mother.