
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Looking back at the path
I have chosen,
I see:

A young girl full of
promise and glee,
laughing at life.

Intelligent, but
not so smart
as she thinks.

Looking forward,
through a clear

Seeing all, but
knowing so little,
and choosing,
without thought,
those things that



Wanting nothing but
her dreams,
she ventures through
the mirage
she has created.


She comes up empty-handed.
Wiser, Worn, Bowed Down
to the earth
in despair;
humbled by


Not her dreams,
but her choices.
Honed by time
and experience
into clarity.

Silver hair
and dimmed vision
has her looking up,
instead of forward


Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Lord's House

This is The Lord's House

The Mesa Arizona Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

For me it is:
Beauty and joy beyond compare
A Fullness of Peace
 in the deepest sense
Knowledge of
I am a daughter of God
I love Him and He loves me
and this is

When I enter His house
I want to fall to my knees
in thankful bliss
for the myriad of blessings
in my life.

Because HE is my father.
and He has bid me enter
His House
with open arms.

The Mesa Arizona Temple is the first temple I entered. There are no words to truly describe how I felt. When I left I was filled with a true, deep and abiding love for all of mankind. Here are some pictures of other temples I have entered and loved.

St George Utah Temple

Manti Utah Temple

Manti Utah Temple at Night

Friday, October 16, 2009


Formula for Choices

"May I provide a simple formula by which you can measure the choices which confront you.

It's easy to remember,
sometimes difficult to apply:

You can't be right by doing wrong;
You can't be wrong by doing right.

Your personal conscience
always warns you as a friend
before it punishes you as a judge."

Thomas S. Monson, "Decisions Determine Destiny," CES fireside for young adults, Nov. 6, 2005

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Shhhhhh Be Quiet

This beautiful part of the earth is Panguitch Lake, and it is located in Southern Utah, not far from my Grandma's house in Panguitch, Utah.

My Grandpa loved to fish here because the trout were really BIG. No Kidding. In fact, the word Panguitch is an Indian word that means big fish.

When I was small, my Grandpa took me in his little row boat out on the lake, and told me if I was very quiet, he would help me catch a fish. This is where I caught my very first fish. Because, whenever I started to talk, Grandpa would say, "Shhhh, be quiet!"

After the fish were caught, we rowed over to the shore, and there my mother and her mother would have fried potatoes with onions, and all the bounty of the garden waiting for us. Tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, and corn on the cob were laid out like a feast. Then Grandpa would cook the fish.

No one, and I mean NO ONE, could cook a trout like Grandpa. He would pull the bones out, and I never had to worry about getting one caught in my throat, because Grandpa could always get every bone out of the fish.

I still go to Panguitch Lake to fish, but somehow, the fish never taste quite as good, and there is always a bone or two. My children grew up fishing too. I just wish they could have had one fish cooked by Grandpa.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Hole in the Rock

This is a place that has taught me lessons in life. The descent is easy. Climbing back up is not. In fact, I can't climb back up without help.

This is the story of life, is it not?